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Steady 12:59 Sun Dec 12
Gender pronoun
Can someone explain what gender pronoun is/means please? I noticed someone in my company has added (she/her) to their email signature. The person in question has a standard female name and is a woman so why would they need to add she/her?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 7:09 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
It was Paddy Whack when I was a kid.

Have we lost even that now?

This is worse than I thought.


Coffee 6:17 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

Irish Hammer 6:01 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

I was not aware of this phenomenon, I shall modernise myself immediately.

Irish Hammer.
Identifies as Paddy/Mick

mashed in maryland 5:46 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

I didn't suggest ignoring it either. The opposite in fact. I'm suggesting bringing it fully into the light. If you really want to discredit a bad idea, instead of attacking it, you can accelerate it to its logical conclusion.

In this case, there is nothing in that ideology that stops 18 stone bearded Barry the security guard from making everyone call him "she/her". Ridiculous, right? Exactly. If enough people take part and rinse it for all its worth, it'll lose all credibility.

What I'm talking about is kind of already happening. The woke agenda is undoing itself because its accelerating well past the point where previous supporters are horrified (trans kids, Fallon Fox, male rapists in womens prisons etc).

I think bruu's point wasn't that he finds it funny, just that he's not as shocked, because he saw it coming years ago, while the people who are now horrified probably mocked him.

Fifth Column 5:22 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

My point was there is a middle ground. Ignoring it is not an option as then the persistent erosion of women's rights and security will continue. You can politely 'challenge' it by refusing to take part. I've told my whole team that if they want to use pronouns in emails they can but if they don't they also have my support. In my experience most people do it because they're worried what their boss will think.

Moncurs Putting Iron 5:18 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Jen Der Pronoun is my new drag name

Wils 4:59 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

mashed in maryland wrote...

"At the moment its still just a small minority, and "challenging" head-on looks too much like bullying."

Maybe where you work currently where I work large zoom meetings have about 10% of staff using pronouns in handles and emails etc. It's growing at a steady rate. I think it's wishful thinking this is going away, it's very well established.

mashed in maryland 3:51 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Fifth Column 3:42 Mon Dec 13

I specifically argued against challenging it.

My point was that by their own rules, there's nothing to stop absolutely anyone from changing their pronouns, and if enough people do this, it'll become meaningless.

Luckily I work in an industry where this sort of nonsense is almost non-existent.

mashed in maryland 3:47 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

bruuuno 3:35 Mon Dec 13

Hahaha innit.

People have been sounding the alarm about this sort of thing for ten years plus. But NOW suddenly the JK Rowlings of the world think its all gone too far.

Tough shit, we're stuck with it now. Men can give birth and women can have willies. Thems the rules. Accept it, bigots.

Mike Oxsaw 3:44 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
"All issues regarding the gender of the sender should be addressed to my valet, from who's e-mail account this dictated message originated."

bruuuno 3:43 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Fifth Column 3:40 Mon Dec 13

Definitely not but watching woke eat itself is

Fifth Column 3:42 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

I completely disagree - many people only do the pronoun thing because they're scared of what people may say.

You can politely refuse to take part in the charade. That's different to making a big deal out of challenging it.

Fifth Column 3:40 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

So victims of rape not getting support services and women prisoners getting sexually abused in prison by men is 'quite amusing'?


mashed in maryland 3:40 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Wils 12:08 Mon Dec 13

Agree with your basic point, but what I'm suggesting is not "challenging" it, which as you say would create a war you as an employee would lose.

It's the opposite, its amplifying it.

If enough people were to decide their gender is fluid and identify as dragonkin or whatever, piss-taking or not, it would soon get ridiculous to the point it'll fizzle out. It wouldn't be that difficult to help it along.

At the moment its still just a small minority, and "challenging" head-on looks too much like bullying.

bruuuno 3:35 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Well fifth, everyone should have thought of that before they decided that gender is a social construct and they all fell over themselves to declare that Bruce Jenner was a woman and applauded her bravery when all that stuff came out.

All this shit is a direct result of everyone jumping on the right on woke bandwagon in the wake of the Jenner thing without considering the consequences. I actually find it quite amusing

Fifth Column 3:22 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun

As has been said below, what you've said is accurate in terms of people not thinking it affects them. However, the end product of the culture of pronouns is children who would likely grow up to be gay instead being told they're actually a boy not a girl or vice versa and taking non-reversible hormones, it ends up in domestic abuse refuges and rape services for women being effectively forced to accept males or risk having their funding cut leading to abused women being more traumatised, it ends up in males being put in women's prisons and in some cases sexually abusing women in prisons and being told by the courts that the policy can't be changed because this sexual abuse doesn't happen very often so stopping the policy would be an infringement of the rights of male prisoners, it ends up in males getting places that women would otherwise get on sports teams.

All this happens IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Right now.

If people aren't hysterical about this they should be. The fundamental rights women have fought for, for centuries are being removed for the benefit of males.

Coffee 1:43 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
Tomshardware 12:56 Mon Dec 13

Smoke them, surely?

Wils 1:42 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
MM, well said.

"If you were to go out on the streets of Essex and speak to a cross section of people you would find that this gender pronoun preoccupation is not bottom of their lists of worries rather it is not on anyone’s list at all."

This is probably true. But the whole point of making people put pronouns in their profiles is to establish a change in people's perceptions about gender and biological sex. Once it becomes commonplace for people to use pronouns in their communications, they will naturally comprehend gender to be something separate from their biological sex. Mission accomplished with everyone shrugging saying what's all the fuss about.

Essex man and woman will roll their eyes and say "Bothered!" as they go back watching TV sipping supermarket lager. But the change will happen, and their kids will grow up with a profoundly different understanding of what it means to be a man or woman. And that has consequences, especially for women. And the general population are concerned about these changes:


So yeah, you're right, it probably does look like low-level hysteria people who don't want to think about these things and live their lives following the path of least resistance which is most people.

Tomshardware 12:56 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
I like a nice hairy fanny, stick that in your pronoun pipe and smoke it.

, 12:18 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
MM, well said.

If you were to go out on the streets of Essex and speak to a cross section of people you would find that this gender pronoun preoccupation is not bottom of their lists of worries rather it is not on anyone’s list at all.

I do really believe that there are people here who live their lives vicariously through this Board and that accounts for the somewhat low level hysteria that their posts consistently exhibit.

legrandefromage 12:16 Mon Dec 13
Re: Gender pronoun
The Stasi had a very strict Diversity Programme

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